Canadian Citizenship Practice Test - Free Online Exam 15

Q1) The highest honour available to Canadians is:

the Order of Victoria
The Victoria Cross
the Canada Cross
the Order of Canada

Q2) Fete Nationale (Quebec) celebrated on June 24 is also known as:

Sir Wilfried Laurier Day
Remembrance Day
Feast of St. John the Baptist
Labour Day

Q3) The national motto of Canada is A Mari Usque Ad Mare.


Q4) Canada's honours system started in 1967 is called:

the Victoria Cross
the Canada Cross
the Order of Victoria
Order of Canada

Q5) 25th of December is observed as:

Good Friday
Remembrance Day
Boxing Day

Q6) The first member of the Canadian Corps not born in the British Empire to be awarded the Victoria Cross is:

Lieutenant Robert Hampton Gray
Corporal Filip Konowal
Lieutenant Alexander Roberts D
Able Seaman William Hall

Q7) The sport which has the most registered players in Canada is:


Q8) Canada's most known and respected symbol is:

Maple leaf
the Parliament Buildings
the Coat of Arms
the Crown

Q9) Friday before Easter Sunday is known as:

Holy Friday
Vimy Day
Good Friday
Easter Friday

Q10) Monday before May 25 is observed as:

Vimy Day
Labour Day
Remembrance Day
Victoria Day

Q11) The Confederation took place during the rule of:

King George V
Queen Elizabeth I
Queen Elizabeth II
Queen Victoria

Q12) The last Canadian to receive the Victoria Cross to date:

Lieutenant Alexander Roberts D
Corporal Filip Konowal
Able Seaman William Hall
Lieutenant Robert Hampton Gray

Q13) Maple leaves as a symbol were first adopted by:

French Canadians in the 1700s
the Canadian military in the 1
the First Nations, in the 1600
the Fathers of Confederation

Q14) In the year 2012, Queen Elizabeth celebrates:

40 years as Sovereign
Golden Jubilee
30 years as Sovereign
Diamond Jubilee

Q15) On the five-cent coin, one of the following can be seen:


Q16) Lord Stanley who donated Stanley Cup was:

the Sovereign
Prime Minister

Q17) God Save the Queen is:

The inscription on Canadian Coins
the National Anthem of Canada
the Royal Anthem of Canada
Canadian motto

Q18) Canada adopted a national motto and an official coat of arms after:

the South African War
the Second World War
the Pacific War
the First World War

Q19) The other name for 431 Air Demonstration Squadron is:

Les Automatistes

Q20) The red-white-red pattern on the Canadian flag is from the flag of:

Hudson's Bay Company
Royal Canadian Army Medical Corps
the Royal Canadian Mounted Police
the Royal Military College, Kingston

Q21) Queen Elizabeth observed her Golden Jubilee (50 years as Sovereign) in:


Q22) On February 15 of ----------- the National Flag was raised for the first time.


Q23) Clarkson Cup is given for:

Women's Lacrosse
School Hockey
Women's Hockey

Q24) 26th of December is known for:

Labour Day
Boxing Day
Remembrance Day

Q25) Equality of French and English is the main concern of:

Multiculturalism Act
The Constitution Act
British North America Act
The Official Languages Act

Q26) _________________ is celebrated as Sir Willfried Laurier Day:

20th of November
11th of November
21st of November
9th of April